Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mmmmmm Maggots! And Better Stuff.

My oh my, we had our first taste of how awesome the island can be for it bugs! It was the morning after our fine dining of Lobster and Ting (Ting is a super fantastic pop made in Jamaica that we can get here, If you come you will have to try it) We went to throw something in the garbage and it was piled with maggots, we looked around the floor and there were lots crawling over the floor through most of the main part of the house. Under rugs, shoes, boxes, i found some in the cupboards so I had to clean out all of the cupboards. It was seriously one of the grossest things EVER! We couldn't figure out how we got so many, the garbage wasn't really full of a lot of food garbage, except for the lobster carcass. But asking the locals around said 100% it was the lobster you can get maggots pretty much hours after! It had been in the trash over night, so plenty of time to get raunchy! I will never do that again! We now have 2 garbage cans. One that stays outside for anything related to food, and one inside for non food stuff.

We did however, after that mess have quite an amazing experience on Sunday. The Cooper Family from Raymond is here with us and we are having church together. Randal & Rebecca Cooper contacted the Mission home in Porto Rico to let them know were were here and to ask permission to have sacrament. The president was thrilled to hear of members on the island - there had been some before but this was a lot more than usual and he asked us to have a personal Skype meeting with him on Sunday. We met with him and had a mini meeting, but he was late signing on because they were at a big stake conference with President Monson, and the Mission President, Pres. Alvarado, said he had to excuse himself from Pres. Monson and told President Monson about us and our scheduled Skype meeting. President Alvarado told us that these little islands are a big concern for them, and said the area authority and others have been recently praying and pondering for guidance and help on what to do, or how to go about missionary work here - Then we contact them and tell them we are here. It just amazing how the Lord works. We have definitely been led here - we've always felt that way. Not once did we have any doubts on coming or not. We are here to try and be an example to others, kind and loving, and hopefully people will see that we are kind of different and wonder why. I know I'm not perfect nor is my family perfect by any means, but we try to live the gospel of Jesus Christ to its fullest and this is what I hope people will see.

President Alvarado is going to be coming to stay and visit this next week or so to meet with us personally and discuss a few more amazing things he has in mind. How blessed we are!


  1. Did Rebecca Cooper grow up in Clareholm? Brad's parents told us about someone they knew who went there for school.

  2. Hey Michelle! Yes its the same Rebecca. I remember talking with her a while ago about the connection and she told me she knew Brads family.
